1. Saving Account
  2. Current Account
  3. Fixed Deposit
  4. Premier Current Account
  5. Conventional
  6. Islamic

Saving Account


Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 50,000 0.25%
Above 50,000 0.25%
Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 50,000 2.40%
Above 50,000 0.55%
Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 1,000 0.00%
Up to 10,000 0.05%
Up to 20,000 0.15%
Up to 50,000 0.25%
Up to 100,000 0.50%
 Above 100,000 1.00%
Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 3,000 0.00%
Above 3,000 0.00%

Applicable for existing accountholders.

Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 20,000 0.00%
Up to 50,000 0.05%
 Up to 100,000  0.10%
 Above 100,000  0.30%

Applicable for existing accountholders.

Range (RM) Rates (p.a.)
Up to 20,000 0.00%
Up to 50,000 0.05%
 Up to 100,000  0.10%
 Above 100,000  0.30%

Applicable for existing accountholders.

  • Future Saver 100
Base Rate (p.a.) Bonus Rate (p.a.)
 0.00%  0.00%


  • Future Saver 300
Base Rate (p.a.) Bonus Rate (p.a.)
 0.10%  0.60%

Applicable for existing accountholders.

Category Rates (p.a.)
 Base Rate  0.20%
 Bonus Rate 0.10% 

Applicable for existing accountholders.

Current Account


Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Range* (RM) Rates (p.a.)
 Up to 20,000  0.00%
 Above 20,000  0.80%

*First RM20,000 in MaxCash Account is non-interest bearing irrespective of account balance.
Applicable for existing accountholders.

Range* (RM) Option 1 Option 2 
  Rates (p.a.)  Rates (p.a.) 
 Up to 50,000   0.00%  0.00% 
 Up to 100,000   0.10%  0.00% 
 Up to 500,000   0.35%  0.55% 
 Up to 1,000,000   0.50%  0.70% 
 More than 1,000,000   0.50%  1.00% 

*No interest is paid on the first RM5,000 of your total balances

Category Rates (p.a.)
 Base Rate  0.05% 

Fixed Deposit


Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Tenure Rates (p.a.)
 1 Month  2.10%
 2 Months  2.15%
 3 - 5 Months  2.45%
 6 Months  2.50%
 7 - 11 Months  2.50%
 12 Months  2.50%
 >12 Months  Negotiable
Tenure Rates (p.a.)
12 Months  2.50%
>12 months  Negotiable
Tenure Rates (p.a.)
3 Months  2.45%

Premier Current Account


Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Range* (RM) Tier 1 Rates (p.a.)  Tier 2 Rates (p.a.)
First 50,000  0.00%  0.00%
Above 50,000 to 200,000   0.50%  0.25%
Above 200,000 to 500,000  1.80%  1.50%
Above 500,000 to 1,000,000  2.00%  1.70%
Subsequent balances above 1,000,000  2.50%  2.20%

Note : With effect from 1 February 2024, ‘Split Tier’ concept on interest rate computation will be implemented. ‘Split Tier’ is an interest calculation method that separates the account balance according to the balance range tier.



Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Standardised Base Rate
Effective Date Rates (per annum)
8 May 2023   3.00%
Standard Housing Loan* Rates (per annum)
Indicative Effective Lending Rate 4.75%
*A standard housing loan refers to a housing loan with loan amount of RM350,000 for 30 years and has no lock-in period.

Base Rate
Effective Date Rates (per annum)
8 May 2023 3.75%

Base Lending Rate
Effective Date Rates (per annum)
8 May 2023  6.70%


Tarikh Berkuatkuasa / Effective Date Jan-15  Dec-15   Jul-16  Feb-18  Apr-19  May-19  Jan-20 Mar-20  May-20 Jul-20  May-22  Jul-22  Aug-22  Sept-22 Nov-22   May-23
 KAS / SBR 3.25% 3.25% 3.00%  3.25%  3.25%  3.00%  2.75% 2.50%  2.00%  1.75%  2.00% 2.25%  2.25%   2.50%  2.75%  3.00%
 KA / BR 4.00% 3.90%  3.65%  3.90%  4.00%  3.75%  3.50%  3.25%  2.75%  2.50%   2.75% 3.00% 3.00%   3.25% 3.50%   3.75%
 KPA / BLR 6.85% 6.85%  6.60%  6.95% 6.95% 6.70%  6.45%  6.20%  5.70%  5.45%   5.70% 5.95% 5.95%  6.20%  6.45%  6.70%
 PKEP / IELR 4.65%  4.65%  5.00% 5.00% 4.75%  4.50%  4.50%  4.25%   3.75%  3.50% 3.75%   4.00%  4.00%  4.25%  4.50%  4.75%


Rujukan / Reference:
Kadar Asas Standard (KAS) / Standardised Base Rate (SBR), Kadar Asas (KA) / Base Rate (BR), Kadar Pinjaman Asas (KPA) / Base Lending Rate (BLR), Petunjuk Kadar Efektif Pinjaman (PKEP) / Indicative Effective Lending Rate (IELR)


  • KAS telah diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos 2022. Garis putus-putus menunjukkan data OPR yang terdahulu, iaitu kadar penanda aras KAS.
  • Petunjuk kadar efektif merujuk kepada kadar pinjaman berkesan tahunan petunjuk untuk produk pinjaman perumahan dengan jumlah pinjaman RM350k untuk tempoh 30 tahun tanpa tempoh “lock-in”.


  • The SBR was introduced on 1 August 2022. The dotted line shows the historical series of the OPR, which is the benchmark rate of the SBR.
  • Indicative effective rate refers to the indicative annual effective lending rate for a standard 30-year housing loan product with financing amount of RM350k and has no lock-in period.


  1. Apakah itu Kadar Asas Standard (KAS)?
    KAS yang kami tawarkan untuk produk ini adalah berdasarkan kadar penanda aras yang ditentukan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia. Kadar penanda aras kini ditetapkan sebagai Kadar Dasar Semalaman (Overnight Policy Rate, OPR), yang mencerminkan pendirian dasar monetari yang ditentukan oleh Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari (Monetary Policy Commitee, MPC) Bank Negara Malaysia.

    What is the Standardised Base Rate (SBR)?
    The SBR we offer on this product is based on the benchmark rate specified by Bank Negara Malaysia. The benchmark rate is currently set as the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR), which reflects the monetary policy stance as decided by the Monetary Policy Committee of Bank Negara Malaysia.

  2. Apakah senario-senario yang mungkin mencetuskan perubahan pada KAS?
    KAS boleh naik atau turun disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam kadar penanda aras iaitu perubahan dalam Kadar Dasar Semalaman (Overnight Policy Rate, OPR).

    What are possible scenarios that may trigger a change in the SBR?
    The SBR can rise or fall due to changes in the benchmark rate, i.e. changes in the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR).

  3. Sejarah KAS untuk tempoh 3 tahun yang lepas:

    Historical SBR for the past 3 years:


Catatan: KAS telah diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos 2022. Garis putus-putus menunjukkan data OPR yang terdahulu, iaitu kadar penanda aras KAS.
Note: The SBR was introduced on 1 August 2022. The dotted line shows the historical series of the OPR, which is the benchmark rate of the SBR.

Housing Loan Current Board Rate
Loan Amount Board Rate (p.a.)  Effective Rate (p.a.)
< RM100,000 SBR + 3.60%  6.60% 
RM100,000 - < RM250,000  SBR + 3.60% 6.60% 
 RM250,000 - < RM400,000 SBR + 3.30%  6.30%
 RM400,000 - < RM600,000 SBR + 3.20%
RM600,000 - < RM1,000,000   SBR + 3.10% 6.10% 
 RM1,000,000 & above  SBR + 3.05% 6.05%

Commercial Property Financing Current Board Rate
Financing Amount Board Rate (p.a.) Effective Rate (p.a.) 
<= RM500,000 SBR + 2.80%  5.80%
 Above RM500,000 SBR + 2.50%  5.50%

Important Note: Standardised Base Rate (SBR) is 3.00% p.a. effective 8 May 2023


A guide to our charges & rates offered

Term Deposit

Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i
(with effective 27 January 2025)
Tenure (months) Effective Rate (% p.a.)
1 2.10%
2 2.15%
3 - 5 2.45%
6 2.50%
7 - 11 2.50%
12 2.50%
>12 months Negotiable
All rates are based on previous/historical distribution rates.

For other information, please refer to the counters.


Rates for Commodity Murabahah (CM) Deposit products

(With effect from 9 May 2024)
 Balance Range Tier  Profit Rate (% p.a.)
 Up to RM 50,000  2.40%
 Above RM 50,000  0.55%


Basic Savings Account-i
Option 1 and Option 2
(With effect from 24 June 2020)
Profit Rate (% p.a.)
Up to RM50,000 0.25%
Above RM50,000 0.25%


 Saving Account-i
(With effect from 24 June 2020)
Profit Rate (% p.a.)
 Up to RM1,000  0.00%
 Up to RM10,000  0.05%
 Up to RM20,000  0.15%
 Up to RM50,000  0.25%
 Up to RM100,000  0.50%
 Above RM100,000  1.00%


 Current Account-i (RM)
(With effect from 13 July 2020)
 Option 1  Option 2
 Rates (p.a.)  Rates (p.a.)
 Up to 50,000  0.00%  0.00%
 Up to 100,000  0.10%  0.00%
 Up to 500,000  0.35%  0.55%
 Up to 1,000,000  0.50%  0.70%
 More than 1,000,000  0.50%  1.00%


RHB Premier Current Account-i (RM)
(With effect from 1 February 2024)
 Tier 1 Rates (p.a) Tier 2 Rates (p.a) 
First 50,000 0.00% 0.00%
Above 50,000 to 200,000 0.50% 0.25%
Above 200,000 to 500,000 1.80% 1.50%
Above 500,000 to 1,000,000 2.00% 1.70%
Subsequent balances above 1,000,000 2.50% 2.20%

Note : With effect from 1 February 2024, ‘Split Tier’ concept on profit rate computation will be implemented. ‘Split Tier’ is a profit calculation method that separates the account balance according to the balance range tier.

RHB Smart Account-i (With effect from 13 July 2020)  Rate (p.a.)
Base Rate 0.05%

Reliable, up-to-date and competitive.

Standardised Base Rate Islamic

Effective Date Rates (per annum) 
8 May 2023 3.00%


 Standard Home Financing*
 Indicative Rate 4.75%
*A standard home financing refers to a home financing with financing amount of RM350,000 for 30 years and has no lock-in period.

Base Rate Islamic

 Effective Date Rates (per annum) 
8 May 2023 3.75%

Base Financing Rate

Effective Date Rates (per annum)
8 May 2023 6.70%


Tarikh Berkuatkuasa / Effective Date Jan-15 Dec-15 Jul-16 Feb-18 Apr-19 May-19 Jan-20 Mar-20 May-20 Jul-20 May-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sept-22  Nov-22  May-23 
KAS / SBR 3.25% 3.25% 3.00% 3.25% 3.25% 3.00% 2.75% 2.50% 2.00% 1.75% 2.00% 2.25% 2.25%  2.50% 2.75%   3.00%
KA / BR 4.00% 3.90% 3.65% 3.90% 4.00% 3.75% 3.50% 3.25% 2.75% 2.50% 2.75% 3.00% 3.00%  3.25%  3.50%  3.75%
KPA / BLR 6.85% 6.85% 6.60% 6.95% 6.95% 6.70% 6.45% 6.20% 5.70% 5.45% 5.70% 5.95% 5.95%  6.20%  6.45%  6.70%
PKEP / IELR 4.65% 4.65% 5.00% 5.00% 4.75% 4.50% 4.50% 4.25% 3.75% 3.50% 3.75% 4.00% 4.00%  4.25%  4.50%  4.75%


Rujukan / Reference:
Kadar Asas Standard (KAS) / Standardised Base Rate (SBR), Kadar Asas (KA) / Base Rate (BR), Kadar Pinjaman Asas (KPA) / Base Lending Rate (BLR), Petunjuk Kadar Efektif Pinjaman (PKEP) / Indicative Effective Lending Rate (IELR)


  • KAS telah diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos 2022. Garis putus-putus menunjukkan data OPR yang terdahulu, iaitu kadar penanda aras KAS.
  • Petunjuk kadar efektif merujuk kepada kadar pinjaman berkesan tahunan petunjuk untuk produk pinjaman perumahan dengan jumlah pinjaman RM350k untuk tempoh 30 tahun tanpa tempoh “lock-in”.


  • The SBR was introduced on 1 August 2022. The dotted line shows the historical series of the OPR, which is the benchmark rate of the SBR.
  • Indicative effective rate refers to the indicative annual effective lending rate for a standard 30-year housing loan product with financing amount of RM350k and has no lock-in period.


  1. Apakah itu Kadar Asas Standard (KAS)?
    KAS yang kami tawarkan untuk produk ini adalah berdasarkan kadar penanda aras yang ditentukan oleh Bank Negara Malaysia. Kadar penanda aras kini ditetapkan sebagai Kadar Dasar Semalaman (Overnight Policy Rate, OPR), yang mencerminkan pendirian dasar monetari yang ditentukan oleh Jawatankuasa Dasar Monetari (Monetary Policy Commitee, MPC) Bank Negara Malaysia.

    What is the Standardised Base Rate (SBR)?
    The SBR we offer on this product is based on the benchmark rate specified by Bank Negara Malaysia. The benchmark rate is currently set as the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR), which reflects the monetary policy stance as decided by the Monetary Policy Committee of Bank Negara Malaysia.

  2. Apakah senario-senario yang mungkin mencetuskan perubahan pada KASI?
    KASI boleh naik atau turun disebabkan oleh perubahan dalam kadar penanda aras iaitu perubahan dalam Kadar Dasar Semalaman (Overnight Policy Rate, OPR).

    What are possible scenarios that may trigger a change in the SBR?
    The SBR can rise or fall due to changes in the benchmark rate, i.e. changes in the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR).

  3. Sejarah KAS untuk tempoh 3 tahun yang lepas:

    Historical SBR for the past 3 years:


Catatan: KASI telah diperkenalkan pada 1 Ogos 2022. Garis putus-putus menunjukkan data OPR yang terdahulu, iaitu kadar penanda aras KASI.
Note: The SBRI was introduced on 1 August 2022. The dotted line shows the historical series of the OPR, which is the benchmark rate of the SBRI.

Home Financing Current Board Rate
Financing Amount Board Rate (p.a.)  Effective Rate (p.a.)
< RM100,000 SBRI + 3.60%  6.60% 
RM100,000 - < RM250,000  SBRI + 3.60% 6.60% 
 RM250,000 - < RM400,000 SBRI + 3.30%  6.30%
 RM400,000 - < RM600,000 SBRI + 3.20%
RM600,000 - < RM1,000,000   SBRI + 3.10% 6.10% 
 RM1,000,000 & above  SBRI + 3.05% 6.05%

Commercial Property Financing-i Current Board Rate
Financing Amount Board Rate (p.a.) Effective Rate (p.a.) 
<= RM500,000 SBRI + 2.80%  5.80%
 Above RM500,000 SBRI + 2.50%  5.50%

Important Note: Standardised Base Rate Islamic (SBRI) is 3.00% p.a. effective 8 May 2023