Did you pay more than RM20,000 zakat in a year to Pusat Pungutan Zakat Wilayah Persekutuan (PPZ-MAIWP)?

If yes, apply for our Zakat Wakalah Special Packages now! Through these special packages, the refund received from your zakat payment will be channeled back to the beneficiaries of your choice.

What is Zakat Wakalah?


Zakat Wakalah is a policy that allows zakat payers to get refund on zakat payments for the purpose of self distribution (on behalf of Pusat Pungutan Zakat Wilayah Persekutuan (PPZ-MAIWP) based on wakalah basis) directly to Asnaf.


Individuals that have reached a certain threshold of zakat payment to Pusat Pungutan Zakat Wilayah Persekutuan (PPZ-MAIWP) can apply for zakat wakalah.

How much refund can you get?

Tier Amount Paid Wakalah Entitlement
1 RM20,000 – RM24,999.99 12.5%
2 RM25,000 – RM99,999.99 25%
3 RM100,000 – RM999,999.99 37.5%
4 RM1,000,000 and above 50%

Example: RM25,000 (total zakat payment) x 25% (Tier 1) = RM6,250 (wakalah amount)

Highlights and Benefits


Zakat Payer to PPZ-MAIWP

You must be a zakat payer to Pusat Pungutan Zakat Wilayah Persekutuan (PPZ-MAIWP).


RM20,000 and above

The minimum amount of zakat paid must be from RM25,000 and above in a year.


Distribution decision

You can decide where the money is to be distributed according to the packages provided.


Services from
Zakat consultants

You will be entitled to receive value-added services directly from the Zakat consultants as follows:

  • Zakat consultation and Zakat calculation
  • Faraid consultation and Faraid computation

Dedicated zakat wakalah
distribution event

If you pay RM50,000 and above zakat in a year, you are entitled to request for a dedicated zakat wakalah distribution event utilising your zakat wakalah fund.


Report on Utilisation
of Zakat Wakalah

You will receive a report on the utilisation of zakat wakalah fund.

Zakat Wakalah Package Theme

The package theme for Zakat Wakalah can be selected from the following:


  • Renovation of school facilities
  • Hospital aid (i.e. solat kit, corpse handling, medical equipment etc)
  • Additional financial donation for Persons With Disabilities (PWD)


  • School/university aid donation for Asnaf’s children
  • Education tools aid (tab/laptop)
  • Tuition aid (i.e. English class)
  • Special aid for PWD’s kid (i.e. autism, deaf etc)


  • Job aid
  • Educational aid
  • Housing aid (renovation/rent)
  • Daily food and needs


  • Assist small businesses to keep them running
  • Business facilities/equipment aid
  • Business fund
  • Motivation/consultation
  • Online marketing class

Frequently Asked Questions

Interested to participate? Register now.

Please fill in the fields below so we can get in touch with you.

To apply kindly complete the form here and email to askshariah@rhbgroup.com

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