Reflex Premium Services
How to add the account in Beneficiary List for 3rd Party (RHB account)?

1.Login as User Data Entry and under “Services” tab; select “Beneficiary Maintenance”.
2.Click “3rd Party”, click “Add”.
3.Click “To 3rd Party Account”.
4.Key in the Beneficiary RHB Account Number.
to verify the information.
6.To authenticate your transaction. Please refer steps below:
a) Press the button and enter the PIN Number. The word “APPLI” or "rHb" will be displayed and press 2.
b) Enter the Challenge Code into the Token. c) An 8-digit number will be generated by the Token and key in this number at the Token field. -
to proceed.
1 of
1.Login as User Data Entry and under “Services” tab; select “Beneficiary Maintenance”.
2.Click “3rd Party”, click “Add”.
3.Click “To 3rd Party Account”.
4.Key in the Beneficiary RHB Account Number.
to verify the information.
6.To authenticate your transaction. Please refer steps below:
a) Press the button and enter the PIN Number. The word “APPLI” or "rHb" will be displayed and press 2.
b) Enter the Challenge Code into the Token. c) An 8-digit number will be generated by the Token and key in this number at the Token field. -
to proceed.

1.Login as User Data Entry and under “Services” tab; select “Beneficiary Maintenance”.

2.Click “3rd Party”, click “Add”.

3.Click “To 3rd Party Account”.

4.Key in the Beneficiary RHB Account Number.

to verify the information.

6.To authenticate your transaction. Please refer steps below:
a) Press the button and enter the PIN Number. The word “APPLI” or "rHb" will be displayed and press 2.
b) Enter the Challenge Code into the Token. c) An 8-digit number will be generated by the Token and key in this number at the Token field.

to proceed.