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What is an e-Commerce Scam


Scam websites use low prices to lure you in quickly by selling fake, counterfeit or non-existent items.

How to spot an e-Commerce Scam

Failure to deliver goods after payment has been received.

In place of the original products purchased, counterfeit products are delivered.

Phishing websites and pop-up advertisements via social media and instant messaging platforms.

How you can prevent an e-Commerce Scam

Use reputable source


Use only reputable and secure online sources/platforms.

Pay through reputable platforms


Make payments through reputable online shopping platforms.

It is too good to be true


Do not fall for low-price offers or prices that seem too good to be true.

Check reviews


Before doing business, read the testimonials and reviews on the seller’s profile.

Use Semakmule

Use the PDRM CCID “Semakmule Portal” ( to look up the seller’s bank account numbers.

Scenario of an e-Commerce Scam


You were scrolling your social media and there was a product advertised at an unbelievably low price or advertised to have amazing benefits or features that sounded too good to be true.

Once you expressed interest to buy and started liaising with them, they rushed you to quickly make a payment and informed you that the stock was limited.

Contact Us


Contact Us immediately if you believe your banking information is compromised or there has been an unauthorised transaction on your account.