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What is an OTP/TAC Scam


Scammers will usually call you saying they’ve registered the wrong mobile number and their OTP (One Time Password), also known as TAC (Transaction Authorisation Code) has been accidentally sent to you.

How to spot an OTP/TAC Scam

You receive an SMS or phone call from an unknown person requesting the OTP/TAC that has been sent to your mobile phone.

The unknown caller will also pretend to be from well-known organisations and request you to provide the OTP/TAC in order to authenticate your banking information.

How you can prevent an OTP/TAC Scam

Never reveal OTP/TAC


Never reveal your OTP/TAC to any third party even if the party requesting for such information claims to be from a financial institution, Bank Negara Malaysia or other government agencies.

Inform the bank


Inform the bank. If you are unsure of the call or SMS you have received, you may call the RHB Call Centre as per the number found at the back of your card.

Scenario of an OTP/TAC Scam


You received a message or call from an unknown number saying that they had registered the wrong mobile number and their OTP/TAC was accidently sent to you. During that time, scammers may have already successfully logged into your internet banking.

They would then asked you to forward the OTP/TAC that you had received to them. Once the scammers had obtained your OTP/TAC, they would use it to start transferring money from your account.

Contact Us


Contact Us immediately if you believe your banking information is compromised or there has been an unauthorised transaction on your account.