Benefits & Privileges
High Margins

High Margins

Up to 100% + 10% (MRTT/MLTT + FEC) or 100% + 5% (MRTT/MLTT + FEC) financing
Comfortable Financing Tenure

Comfortable Financing Tenure

Financing tenure lasts up to 35 years or when you turn 70 years old – whichever comes first


Through Tawarruq, you pay us the deferred sale price of a commodity and get cash proceeds when the commodity is sold to help finance your home
For all residential needs

For all residential needs

Completed and under construction properties
*Note: Finance Entry Cost (FEC) which includes Legal Fees, Valuation Fees and Stamping Fees

RHB Mortgage Calculator

Quickly run the numbers and see what is comfortable for you.


Monthly Payment


Total Payments


Total Profit Payments


Please note that the results from this calculator are for illustration purposes and are indicative only. Results do not represent approval of the loan which is subject to RHB’s credit evaluation.

Financing Plan Details
Maximum Monthly Gross
Household Income1
Purchase Price or OMV;
whichever is lower
Margin Of Financing
Package 1 Up to RM5,000
(Single/Joint applicants)



Up to 100% + 10%

5 years

35 years or age reaches 70 years old whichever is earlier

Package 2 Up to RM15,000
(Single/Joint applicants)



Up to 100% + 5%

5 years

35 years or age reaches 70 years old whichever is earlier

1For the purpose of this Eligibility Criteria, the following shall be considered as one household:
• Married couple .
• Single person (not married)
• Finance Entry Cost (FEC) which includes Legal Fees, Valuation Fees and Stamping Fee.


Malaysian citizen

First time home-buyers for own occupancy purposes

Single or joint account*
Joint is subject to with immediate family members and provided all have not owned any house before

Non-fixed or fixed income earners

Up to RM15,000 gross monthly income (per applicant).
Note: Subject to financing option chosen

From private sector or public sector (including gig workers)

*Note: Depending on the package chosen
Property eligibility

Completed and under construction properties

Residential properties in primary and secondary markets (new or sub-sale)

Residential properties for own stay
Supporting Documents Required Along
With Your Home Financing Application
Salaried Applicant

Salaried Applicant

  • Photocopy of NRIC
  • Latest 3 months salary slip*
  • Latest 3 months salary crediting statement*
  • Latest EPF statement as generated from EPF i-Akaun
  • Latest BE Form + Tax payment receipt
  • Sales & Purchase Agreement / Booking receipt
Self-Employed Applicant

Self-Employed Applicant

  • Photocopy of NRIC
  • Latest EPF statement as generated from EPF i-Akaun
  • Sole Proprietor & Partnership – Borang A or B & D
  • Private Limited – Form 24 & 49
  • Latest Form B + Tax payment receipt
  • Latest 6 months current account statement
  • Sales & Purchase Agreement / Booking receipt
*Note: The Bank may require up to 6 month of income statements if the income comprises of variable components.

Home Takaful

Shariah compliance meets protection – choose what works for you!

Mortgage Reducing Term Takaful

A single contribution term takaful plan which provides coverage that reduces over time. It pays out to your family should anything unexpected happen to you.


Benefits & privileges:

  • One-time payment to cover the entire duration of your financing term tenure
  • Protection against death or Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • Reducing sum covered will be payable to reduce your family’s financing burden


Shariah Concepts Available:

You donate part of your contribution to the Participant Special Account (PSA).

You authorise us to manage the Participant Account (PA) and PSA for a wakalah fee.

You allow using a portion of PA investment profit as a performance incentive.

If the PSA is in deficit, we will lend an amount of money to the PSA without any charges.

If you’d like to know about these concepts in greater detail, please refer to the product disclosure sheet.


Coverage details

Sum Covered

 Coverage Term


Following the actual amount of financing (subject to underwriting assessment)

5 years

45 years or age reaches 75 years old whichever is earlier



Individuals aged 18 - 65 years


Detailed Product Information

Product Disclosure Sheet - English and BM

Mortgage Level Term Takaful

Keep your loved ones safe by ensuring they are sheltered should an unforeseen event take place. With Mortgage Level Term Takaful, we will take care of your outstanding mortgage payments.


Benefits & privileges:

  • One-time payment to cover the entire duration of your financing term tenure

  • Protection against death or Total & Permanent Disability (TPD)

  • Level sum covered across all certificate years will be payable to reduce your family’s financing burden


Shariah Concepts Available:

You donate part of your contribution to the Participant Special Account (PSA).

You authorise us to manage the Participant Account (PA) and PSA for a wakalah fee.

You allow using a portion of PA investment profit as a performance incentive.

We will lend an amount of money to the PSA without charges if the PSA is in deficit.

If you’d like to know about these concepts in greater detail, please refer to the product disclosure sheet.


Coverage details

Sum Covered

 Coverage Term


Following the actual amount of financing (subject to underwriting assessment)

1 year

30 years or age reaches 70 years old whichever is earlier



Individuals aged 18 - 60 years


Detailed Product Information

Product Disclosure Sheet - English and BM

The information contained herein is strictly meant to be general information and reference only. It does not constitute a contract of Takaful. For further details on the benefits, exclusion and terms and conditions of the product, please refer to the Product Brochure, Product Disclosure Sheet (PDS), Sales Illustration and certificate contract (where applicable). Underwritten by Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad, RHB is merely acting as a distributor.
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad is a member of PIDM. The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate is protected by Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM) up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Berhad or PIDM (visit

Service Charges

Service Charges

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • What to look at when buying from developers?

    The developer is an extremely important element in having a stress-free experience in purchasing your dream property - take your time to research these factors in choosing a developer:

    • Developer's previous track records
    • Market reputation
    • Financial strength
    • Bridging financier
    • Quality finishing
    • Ability to create value for the properties
    • Pricing vs surrounding developments

    Once you’ve identified your developer, consider submitting your application for financing through the developer’s panel financier to speed up the process. Panel financiers save you time as there is no need to empanel the developer/ project.

    Bonus: Some developers partner with panel financiers to provide financing for renovation/improvement packages.

  • What to look at when buying a sub-sale property?

    If you’re buying a completed house through the secondary market, make sure you’ve completed these checks:

    • Property Ownership

      First and foremost - check if the current owner is actually the legal owner of the property. To do this, just ask for a copy of the title deed of the property where you will find out who the property owner is and if there are any outstanding encumbrances on the property.

    • Individual / Strata Title

      Secondly, check if the individual/strata title has been issued at the time of transaction. For properties under the master title, engage your lawyer to check two things – ensure that the original developer is still active and if the developer has submitted an application for sub-division of master title for issuance of strata title. In the case where the developer has been wound up and an application has not been sent, avoid these transactions - many banks do not finance such properties.

    • Freehold/ Leasehold

      Thirdly, find out if the property is leasehold - and if so, how long is the balance tenure. Certain banks may have a policy against leasehold property financing if the balance tenure is shorter than a certain number of years.

    • Joint inspection

      Make a property inspection twice - before committing on the purchase and during completion of the transaction where vacant possession is handed over. This ensures all remaining issues on the property’s condition is duly addressed between the buyer and seller.

    • Find the value of the property
      • Perform valuation
      • Estimate via verbal valuation – complimentary service from RHB
      • When you are applying for a financing
  • What property do RHB finance?

    We finance residential property and also commercial property. Click here for the list of product that we are offering.

  • How much am I eligible for?

    Check how much you’re eligible for by trying our Mortgage Calculator and start your application today.

  • What kind of document do I need to submit to apply for a financing?

    Click here for the list of documents that you need to submit during your financing application.

  • What is Third Party Charge?

    Third party charge is when the Sales and Purchase Agreement is under two names but financing or facility agreement is under one name, or vice versa:

    Sales & Purchase Agreement  Financing or Facility Agreement Is this Third Party Charge?
     A & B
     A  Yes
     A & B   A & B  No
     A & B & C  A & C  Yes
  • What is the difference between Mortgage Reducing Term Takaful(MRTT) & Mortgage Level Term Takaful (MLTT)?

    The difference is that for MRTT, the coverage amount reduces year on year; whereas for MLTT, the coverage amount is fixed throughout the coverage tenure. In short, MLTT will provide fixed coverage and therefore attract higher contribution.

    Both are optional but highly recommended and preference rate will be given to customers that subscribed with the bank's preferred Takaful operator. For more info, please click here

  • Can I finance my MRTT/MLTT into my financing?

    Yes, you can either pay in cash or finance it to your financing but subject to a maximum 5%/10% of the property value.


  • Who can help me with the Financing Documentation Process?

    First, the bank will conduct a final check to ensure all requirements are met before a Letter of Instruction is issued to the Documentation Solicitor.

    Upon completion of legal documents preparation with relevant searches performed, the Documentation Solicitor will call you to execute the legal documents, which will take place within one month from acceptance of the offer.

    If this does not happen within the time frame as mentioned, contact the Documentation Solicitor or your personal Mortgage Consultant to follow-up on the status to avoid delay on completion of legal documentation. Any delays on legal documentation may potentially lead to late disbursement, incurring late charges, save and except where such delay are attributable to the Bank or its successor-in-title's gross negligence, willful misconduct, willful default or fraud.

  • When will I get first financing disbursement?

    Once you’ve completed the legal documentations with advice of release from the documentation solicitor, the Bank will review to ensure all conditions precedent prior to disbursement have been duly complied before effecting the first disbursement.

    Now it’s up to you to refer to the Letter of Offer and ensure you’ve done your part - did you remember to open a savings or current account with the Bank to facilitate standing instruction to service the monthly profit or instalment prior to the due date.

    Don’t forget to read up on the terms to see if your mortgage allows you the flexibility to make prepayments or extra payments; and if so, what are the terms attached. Flexibility to make prepayments and paying profit on a daily rest basis may help save considerable profit or charges in the long term.

    Check out how our Full Flexi Financing helps you save on your financing using our Mortgage Calculator.

  • How does the financing disbursement Process change based on property?
    • For under-construction properties, the bank will release the progressive payment to the developer based on the claim made upon completion of each construction stage as certified by the Architect's Certificate.
    • For completed properties or refinancing where the property is encumbered, the first disbursement is intended to redeem the property from charge or assignment so that the legal documentation can be perfected where thereafter, the balance disbursement will be effected.

    The financial institution disburses the financing upon completion of legal documentation, or when all relevant approvals, such as the consent of the state government have been obtained. At this time, you will be informed of the amount of the first instalment you have to make and its due date.

  • Can I cancel my financing after the acceptance and signed on the Letter Offer?

    You may cancel you financing after you accepted and signed on the Letter Offer, a cancellation fee will be charged as compensation to the Bank. Please click and read on our Product Disclosure Sheet.


Soalan Lazim

1. Apa yang harus diperhatikan semasa membeli dari pemaju?


Pemaju adalah elemen yang sangat penting dalam memiliki pengalaman bebas tekanan dalam membeli hartanah impian anda - luangkan masa anda untuk meneliti faktor-faktor tersebut dalam memilih pemaju:

  • Rekod prestasi pemaju sebelum ini
  • Reputasi pasaran
  • Kewangan yang kukuh
  • Pembiaya penyambung
  • Sentuhan akhir yang berkualiti
  • Keupayaan untuk mencipta nilai untuk hartanah
  • Harga berbanding dengan pembangunan di sekitar

Setelah anda mengenal pasti pemaju anda, pertimbangkan untuk mengemukakan permohonan pembiayaan anda melalui panel pembiaya pemaju untuk mempercepatkan prosesnya. Panel pembiaya menjimatkan masa anda kerana anda tidak perlu memilih pemaju / projek.

Bonus: Sesetengah pemaju bekerjasama dengan panel pembiaya untuk menyediakan pembiayaan untuk pakej pengubahsuaian / penambahbaikan.


2. Apa yang harus diperhatikan semasa membeli hartanah sub-penjualan?


Sekiranya anda membeli rumah yang sudah siap melalui pasaran sekunder, pastikan anda telah menyelesaikan semakan ini:

  1. Pemilikan Hartanah
    Pertama dan terpenting - semak sama ada pemilik semasa sebenarnya adalah pemilik sah hartanah. Untuk melakukan ini, minta salinan surat ikatan hak milik di mana anda akan mengetahui siapa pemilik hartanah dan jika ada bebanan tertunggak pada hartanah.
  2. Hak Milik Individu / Strata
    Kedua, semak sama ada hak milik individu / strata telah dikeluarkan pada waktu transaksi. Untuk hartanah di bawah hak milik utama, hubungi peguam anda untuk menyemak dua perkara - pastikan pemaju asal masih aktif dan jika pemaju telah mengemukakan permohonan pembahagian hak milik utama untuk pengeluaran hak milik strata. Sekiranya pemaju ditutup dan permohonan belum dihantar, elakkan transaksi ini - kebanyakan bank tidak membiayai hartanah tersebut.
  3. Pegangan Bebas / Pegangan Pajak
    Ketiga, semak sama ada hartanah itu pegangan pajak - dan jika ya, berapa lama baki tempoh. Sesetengah bank mempunyai polisi untuk tidak membiayai hartanah pegangan pajak jika baki tempoh lebih pendek daripada jumlah tahun tertentu.
  4. Pemeriksaan bersama
    Lakukan pemeriksaan hartanah dua kali - sebelum melakukan pembelian dan semasa menyelesaikan transaksi di mana hak pemilikan diserahkan. Ini bagi memastikan semua masalah yang masih ada mengenai keadaan hartanah dapat ditangani dengan tepat antara pembeli dan penjual.
  5. Cari nilai hartanah
    • Lakukan penilaian
    • Anggaran melalui penilaian secara lisan - perkhidmatan percuma dari RHB
    • Semasa anda memohon pembiayaan
  1. Apakah hartanah yang dibiayai oleh RHB?
    Kami membiayai hartanah kediaman dan juga hartanah komersial. Klik di sini untuk senarai produk yang kami tawarkan.
  2. Berapa yang saya layak?
    Semak berapa banyak yang anda layak dengan mencuba Kalkulator Gadai janji kami dan mulakan permohonan anda hari ini.
  3. Apakah jenis dokumen yang perlu saya serahkan untuk memohon pembiayaan?
    Klik di sini untuk senarai dokumen yang perlu anda serahkan semasa permohonan pembiayaan anda.
  4. Apakah Caj Pihak Ketiga?
    Bayaran pihak ketiga adalah ketika Perjanjian Jual Beli di bawah dua nama tetapi perjanjian pembiayaan atau perjanjian fasiliti berada di bawah satu nama, atau sebaliknya:
     Perjanjian Jual Beli   Pembiayaan atau Perjanjian Fasiliti   Adakah ini Caj Pihak Ketiga?
     A & B
     A  Yes
     A & B   A & B  No
     A & B & C  A & C  Yes
  5. Apakah perbezaan antara Mortgage Reducing Term Takaful (MRTT)/Mortgage Level Term Takaful (MLTT)?
    Perbezaan antara adalah bahawa untuk MRTT, jumlah perlindungan berkurang dari setahun ke setahun; sedangkan untuk MLTT, jumlah perlindungan ditetapkan sepanjang tempoh perlindungan. Ringkasnya, MLTT akan memberikan perlindungan tetap dan dengan itu menarik sumbangan yang lebih tinggi.

    Kedua-duanya adalah pilihan tetapi sangat digalakkan dan kadar pilihan akan diberikan kepada pelanggan yang melanggan syarikat Takaful pilihan bank. Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, sila klik di sini.
  6. Bolehkah saya membiayai MRTT/MLTT ke pembiayaan saya?
    Ya, anda boleh membayar secara tunai atau membiaya ke dalam pembiayaan anda tetapi tertakluk kepada maksimum 5% / 10% dari nilai hartanah.
  1. Siapa yang boleh membantu saya dengan Proses Dokumentasi Pembiayaan?
    Pertama, bank akan melakukan pemeriksaan akhir untuk memastikan semua syarat-syarat dipenuhi sebelum Surat Arahan dikeluarkan kepada Peguamcara Dokumentasi.

    Setelah selesai penyediaan dokumen-dokumen undang-undang dengan semakan yang relevan, Peguamcara Dokumentasi akan memanggil anda untuk dokumen-dokumen undang-undang, yang akan berlangsung dalam tempoh satu bulan sejak penerimaan tawaran.

    Sekiranya ini tidak berlaku dalam jangka waktu seperti yang disebutkan, hubungi Peguamcara Dokumentasi atau Perunding Gadaijanji peribadi anda untuk megikuti status untuk mengelakkan kelewatan penyelesaian dokumentasi undang-undang. Sebarang kelewatan dokumentasi undang-undang berpotensi menyebabkan kelewatan pelepasan pembiayaan, menyebabkan caj bayaran lewat, simpan dan kecuali jika kelewatan tersebut disebabkan oleh kelalain besar Bank atau penggantinya, salah laku yang disengajakan, pengingkaran atau penipuan yang disengajakan.
  2. Bilakah saya akan mendapat pelepasan pembiayaan pertama?
    Setelah anda melengkapkan dokumentasi undang-undang dengan nasihat pelepasan dari peguam dokumentasi, Bank akan mengkaji semula untuk memastikan semua syarat sebelum pembayaran telah dipatuhi dengan betul sebelum melakukan pembayaran pertama.

    Sekarang terserah kepada anda untuk merujuk kepada Surat Tawaran dan memastikan anda telah melaksanakan bahagian anda - adakah anda ingat untuk membuka akaun simpanan atau semasa dengan Bank bagi memudahkan arahan tetap untuk membayar keuntungan bulanan atau ansuran sebelum tarikh akhir.

    Jangan lupa untuk membaca syarat-syarat bagi mengetahui sama ada gadai janji anda memberi anda kelonggaran untuk membuat pembayaran awal atau pembayaran tambahan; dan jika ya, apakah syarat yang dilampirkan. Fleksibiliti untuk membuat pembayaran awal dan membayar keuntungan setiap hari rehat dapat membantu menjimatkan keuntungan atau caj-caj yang banyak dalam jangka masa panjang.

    Semak bagaimana Pembiayaan Flexi Penuh kami membantu anda menjimatkan pembiayaan menggunakan Kalkulator Gadai janji kami.
  3. Bagaimanakah proses pembayaran pembiayaan berubah berdasarkan hartanah?
    • Untuk hartanah dalam pembinaan, bank akan melepaskan pembayaran progresif kepada pemaju berdasarkan tuntutan yang dibuat setelah menyelesaikan setiap peringkat pembinaan sebagaimana yang diperakui oleh Sijil Arkitek.
    • Untuk hartanah siap atau pembiayaan semula di mana hartanah itu disekat, pembayaran pertama dimaksudkan untuk menebus hartanah dari caj atau penyerahan supaya dokumen undang-undang dapat disempurnakan di mana selepas itu, pembayaran baki akan dilaksanakan.

    Institusi kewangan mengeluarkan pembiayaan setelah selesai dokumentasi undang-undang, atau ketika semua persetujuan yang relevan, seperti persetujuan pemerintah negeri telah diperoleh. Pada masa ini, anda akan dimaklumkan mengenai jumlah ansuran pertama yang perlu anda buat dan tarikh tamat tempoh.

  4. Bolehkah saya membatalkan pembiayaan selepas menerima dan menandatangani Surat Tawaran?
    Anda boleh membatalkan pembiayaan selepas menerima dan menandatangani Surat Tawaran, pembatalan fi hendaklah dibayar kepada Bank untuk bayaran pampasan. Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut, sila klik di sini

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Commercial Property Financing (CPF) with Redraw Facilities

Talk to us

Please share your details and we’ll get back to you. Or visit us at your nearest RHB Branch.