Sustainable & Responsible Finance

Sustainable & Responsible Finance

ESG Risk Management

ESG Sensitive Sectors

The Group adopts a precautionary approach to improve the integration of ESG considerations into our risk management processes. Our current approach to ESG risk management processes includes identifying and managing sustainability risks, enhancements to our Group Credit Policy and local country credit policies on prohibited credits and exceptional credits, establishing our position on ESG-related activities or sensitive sectors and the related assessments, and toolkits on ESG Sensitive Sectors. Additionally, sustainability risk has been a part of RHB’s Risk Library since 2020 and a component of our Material Risk Assessment.

Industry-specific ESG Risk Assessment (“ERA”)

We developed Industry-Specific criteria for three more ESG Sensitive Sectors, i.e. Manufacturing of Chemical, Wood and Plastic Products, bringing the total number of sectors with Industry-Specific ERA criteria to eight.

Palm Oil
Oil & Gas
Manufacturing of Iron, Steel & Other Metals
Manufacturing of Chemical Products
Manufacturing of Cement
Manufacturing of Wood Products
Manufacturing of Plastic Products
Power Producers

Click on the button below to find out more about our Sustainability Report on Industry-specific ERA.

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RHB’S List of Prohibited Credits under The Group Credit Policy

  • RHB Banking Group has committed to no new coal-related activities and No Deforestation, No Peat and No Exploitation (NDPE) policy since 2022. We no longer pursue or finance new thermal coal mines or coal-fired power plant projects. In addition, companies in the Forestry and Agriculture commodities sectors such as Palm Oil must demonstrate alignment with NDPE principles and responsible practices to be eligible for financing.
  • Our ‘no coal’ and NDPE policy ensure that we avoid financing sectors that contribute significantly to climate change and human rights issues, targeting activities linked to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and labour rights.

Individuals or corporations charged with or found guilty of an offence under the Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) laws/regulations.

Individuals or corporations involved in production of or trade in radioactive materials. This does not apply to purchase of medical equipment, quality control (measurement) equipment and any other equipment which is permissible according to local or national law or regulations.

Individuals or corporations involved in production of or trade in or use of unbonded asbestos fibres. This does not apply to purchase and use of bonded asbestos cement sheeting where the asbestos content is less than 20%.

Individuals or corporations whose activities contravene the law.

Individuals or corporations involved in the production of or trade in pornography and prostitution.

Individuals or corporations involved in the production of or trade in firearms, weapons and munitions, with the exception of Malaysian national defence purposes.

Individuals or corporations involved in activities that could damage any heritage sites listed under a country's national heritage or UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Individuals or corporations involved in production of or activities involving harmful or exploitative forms of forced labour/harmful child labour.

Individuals or corporations suspected to be involved in money laundering/Counter Financing of Terrorism (“CFT”) and have been established to have AML/CFT risk following enhanced due diligence.

Individuals or corporations involved in trade of wildlife or wildlife products regulated under country or international standards (e.g. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).

Individuals or corporations involved in development of new plantations or production sites on High Biodiversity Value/High Conservation Value and High Carbon Stock forests, primary forests and forest reserves.

Individuals or corporations involved in new planting or production sites in peatland areas.

Individuals or corporations involved in exploitation of people and communities that are against indigenous people’s rights.

Individuals or corporations involved in new coal fired power plant project and new thermal coal mines project.