Sustainable & Responsible Finance

Sustainable & Responsible Finance

Sustainable Financial Services

Mobilize RM20 billion in Sustainable Financial Services by 2026

  • We continue to nurture our customers towards sustainable practices and promote sustainable financial services across our lending and financing, debt capital market and advisory, investments, asset management and insurance business.
  • As at 31 December 2022, our YTD achievement is more than RM12.5 billion in sustainable financial services comprising of 37% green, 33% social and 30% ESG-Linked activities, against a 2026 target of RM20 billion.

RHB’s Green Financing Commitment

  • Target of RM5 billion by 2025. As of December 2022, extended about RM7.93 billion.
  • The Group has committed RM5 billion by 2025 to support green activities that promote the transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy, as well as sustainable development, through its core activities of lending, capital markets and advisory, and investment.
  • The Green Financing Commitment supports projects that create positive environmental impacts, guided by the Bank’s ESG Eligible Business Guidelines and the following internationally recognised frameworks:
    1. Green Bond Principles (of the International Capital Market Association)
    2. Green Loan Principles (of the Loan Market Association)
    3. Sustainable and Responsible Investment (“SRI”) Sukuk Framework (of the Securities Commission Malaysia)

The definition of eligible green projects or activities must include any one of the following categories:

Renewable Energy
Clean Transportation
Energy Efficient
Environmentally Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources and Land Use
Green Buildings
Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation
Climate Change Adaptation
Eco-Efficient and/or Circular Economy Adapted Products
Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management
Production Technologies and Processes
Pollution Prevention and Control

Sustainability Financing Programme

  • We launched the Sustainability Financing Programme (“SFP”), a green financing product bundling programme aimed at meeting the needs of both SME and Retail customers. The target is to grant RM1 billion in new financing by 2025. The four types of green financing under the SFP are Green Energy, Green Buildings, Green Products and Green Processes.

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