Embedding Good Practices

Embedding Good Practices

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

The Group Integrity & Governance (“GIG”) division, which oversees anti-bribery and corruption matters at RHB Bank, continues to strengthen the Group's ethical business practices through sustained training efforts and the development of our own Organisational Anti-Corruption Plan (“OACP”). The new initiative to roll out the Group’s inaugural OACP in 2022 aligns our anti-bribery and anti-corruption efforts with the National Anti-Corruption Plan 2019-2023 (“NACP”). It will be a top-down statement of commitment from our Group to condemn and prevent corruption in our business practices.

The Group Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy and Group Whistleblowing Policy were also updated in 2021. The updated policies were approved by RHB Bank Berhad’s Board and can be accessed on the Group’s corporate website. The Board, along with Senior Management and the Directors serving on subsidiary boards, attended a training session on Anti-Bribery & Corruption, with a particular focus on Section 17A and Adequate Procedures, facilitated by a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (“MACC”) officer.

The Group adopted MACC’s Integrity Vetting System (e-Sistem Tapisan Keutuhan) to conduct background checks on new senior officers prior to their recruitment/employment as part of the existing due diligence process to ensure they were corruption-free and fit for the positions. This check was also conducted for appointments to high-risk senior positions within the Group.

Communicating our expectations on anti-bribery and corruption to external stakeholders such as our business partners and suppliers is part of our ongoing efforts in upholding ethics and integrity. In 2021, the Group sent out notifications on the Group Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy, along with an Anti-Bribery & Corruption Declaration form, to all its registered suppliers and vendors, underlining our zero tolerance stance on bribery and corruption. The aim was to communicate and create awareness on the Group’s zero tolerance stance on bribery and corruption.