Embedding Good Practices

Embedding Good Practices

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

At RHB, we celebrate diversity and value the different skills, knowledge and perspectives that a diverse workforce brings to the business. Employees with different backgrounds and perspectives will lead to better decision-making, problem-solving and greater innovation, ultimately shaping a high-performing workforce.

Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion is embedded in our RHB Culture Components, where we consciously value our people based on their qualifications and individual merit against identifiable selection criteria. This will enable us to remain free from bias, and able to avoid any discrimination against ethnicity, culture, religion, age, gender and disability.

To help incorporate this further within our workforce, we have the Group Whistleblowing Policy, which is available on RHB Banking Group’s corporate website which allows employees to report unethical work behaviour, including any incidences of discrimination. The policy ensures that there are no reprisals against whistleblowers.

As for Diverse and Inclusive Leadership, we have a Boardroom diversity of 30% female directors. We are committed to have 1/3 (33.3%) female employees in top and senior management by 2026, with an interim target of 30% by 2024.

As at December 2022, we have achieved 30.3% of women in top and senior management and exceeding our 2022 target of 27.7%